Monday, April 7, 2008

They Listen To us to make money

I am totally cool with the fact that we are the biggest and best money making demographic for many products. I think that it it important to understand what you get sucked into, and that for some teens- they don't even know theyve been brainwashed to think that they can only buy work out clothes from underarmor... I know that I am affected by the ads and I buy magazines full of them.. but I don't necessarily emulate what I see. I think it's a really good business move to reel in on my demographic because it is the money maker. As long as youre not obsessed with labels yu should be fine, but there are people who are and don't even notice it. Those are the people that I feel bad for because theyll be like that forever........

1 comment:

Taylor Raf said...

agreed agreed. im a label fiend, but at least i know it. i was going to say "label whore" but i feel like that might not be completely appropriate (and im no mook).