Monday, March 17, 2008


Tom Jones definitly opened up many windows when it comes to pop music today. He pushed sexuality in pop music, in ways that were never done before. He probably paved to way for Britney Spears. He had a very booming voice and his chest hair is insured. He had a very successful carreer in Las Vegas that sparked Elvis' interest in performing there... He brought popularity to singing words that were not his. He didn't write his own lyrics , just like most popular artists today. He even did a popular cover of Prince's song "Kiss." He mainstreamed the pop icon, the pop artist. He continues to sing and collaborate with current artists like Wyclef and Robbie Williams.

1 comment:

Taylor Raf said...

his chest hair is insured?? SWEET. how does that even happen? i KIND OF understand how david beckham and heidi klum have their legs insured, but something happens to a leg, they dont really grow back. whereas with chest hair? i would assume it DOES grow back.

well karina, you have unusual taste. dont worry about it. apparently wyclef is full out addicted to porn. he admitted it in an interview. awkward? slightly. i wouldnt say its as wierd as the chest hair thing though.

i wonder if he brags about it to get girls....