Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Capitol Punishment

I am actually conservative on this point. I feel that if there is a serial killer out there that hurt so many families and poses such a threat to society, he/she should no longer be able to live. They clearly enjoy killing and feel no remorse. Their lives in prison would useless, other than for them to maybe feel some sort of pride in their crimes. I don't feel that it should be used in all horrible cases, but in ones that there is a confession or all proof and evidence cannot be ignored, the death penalty is an option.
    The liberals feel that it is murder and unjust. It wrong to kill the killers, it doesn't prove a point or scare criminals into doing less to avoid the death penalty. Supposedly, it costs less to keep a prisoner in jail for his entire life instead of killing him as well. In cases where people are wrongfully accused, they shouldn't be killed on wrong pretenses. I completely understand this point, and that is why I feel that it shouldn't be used regularly, just in extreme cases when the killer is properly indentified with no doubts in mind.

Monday, May 19, 2008

gun control

I think that more gun control is needed. The second amendment protects the right of the militia and police to protect us. The "assault-rifle" ban is not enough to protect us because most don't use grenades to hurt others in other than combat. If hand guns were banned that 11,000 lives could be saved, and it would be more difficult for them to be sold on the black market.
Conservatives feel that you need your own weapon in order to protect your wellbeing from someone else with a hand gun. They also feel that the second amendment protects all Americans with the right of bearing arms. They think that running background checks on people work, and that it is more important to have the ability to protect yourself.

gay marriage

I feel that gay marriage should be legalized. I feel that people in love should be able to declare their feelings legally, and reap the benefits of a married couple. It doesn't matter the gender of the people getting married. It is really unfortunate that all this discrimination is going on, considering the fact that sexual orientation is not a choice.
The conservatives think that marriage is sacred and is meant for a man and woman. Men and women are meant to get together in order to procreate and keep humankind alive. They feel that sexual orientation is a choice and anything other than a man and woman relationship is considered wrong by the bible, and the five major religions.


I am very pro-choice. I feel that it is a woman's choice to choose the conditions under which she has a child. In many aspects, woman are not ready emotionally or financially to go through the raising of a child. Of course there are some emotional repercussions, but this is a a trade off for the repercussion of children. I know that in North Dakota or something they outlawed abortion in order to challenge the law. They want it to be taken to the supreme court because one of the judges is new and conservative. They think that they would force it to become illegal nationally again.
The conservatives feel that the fetus is a baby. They also think that you should deal with the entirety of your consequences. They think that abortion is murder.