Monday, March 17, 2008

She's a Lady

Tom Jones- She's a Lady

The song basically is about how this special lady is really special to him because she is perfect, but then he explains that the only reason that she is perfect is cause she can deal with him and still love him. He doesn't talk about her negatives, only things that make him better by being with her. He relies on her for his better half. He loves her cause she still loves him despite all his negatives, and well, vice versa. It quite simple, but is very memorable and most know the chorus... The song actually just got a lot more romantic, because the end of the song shows that he is talking about a particular lady, not just a supposed one. Tom Jones is the best, seriously.


Tom Jones definitly opened up many windows when it comes to pop music today. He pushed sexuality in pop music, in ways that were never done before. He probably paved to way for Britney Spears. He had a very booming voice and his chest hair is insured. He had a very successful carreer in Las Vegas that sparked Elvis' interest in performing there... He brought popularity to singing words that were not his. He didn't write his own lyrics , just like most popular artists today. He even did a popular cover of Prince's song "Kiss." He mainstreamed the pop icon, the pop artist. He continues to sing and collaborate with current artists like Wyclef and Robbie Williams.

Monday, March 3, 2008


i cant imagine a life without elvis. he started the whole rock'n'roll rebel thing that girls love. He also was the first to become a product. He was on everything. I think that it is really weird when artists/musicians do that. i think i would loose respect for elvis if he was on my bar of soap, etc. Today many artists are in car commercials, and are spokespersons for weird products in asian commercials. I understand why they are used, to spike sales, but i think it is really weird to sell them as a product. I know that Mary j. Blige is in chevy commercials, and I think that is plain weird. It makes them look like they are all about money, not about the music. Nevertheless, ELVIS WILL ALWAYS BE A STUD.

elvis has left the building....